Monday, August 10, 2015

The Second Conference of the International Consortium for China Studies at Oxford

The Second Conference of the International Consortium for China Studies was held at St. Edmund Hall, Oxford University during August 6-7th, 2015, hosted by Professor John Knight. I was impressed by the academic atmosphere of Oxford, which was tranquil (the guest house had no TV set) and surrounded by beautiful meadows. A big difference from the bustling urban setting of our University!  I presented "Regional Unemployment Problems and Industrial Restructuring" at the Conference, which focused on Fuxin, a coal mining city in Liaoning Province.


2015年7月28日、日中経済協会21世紀日中関係展望委員会にて「大衆創業 万衆創新 中国民間企業のイノベーションと日中協力」と題して民間企業のイノベーションについて発表した。