Saturday, December 19, 2020



China’s Industrial Policy in the 2020s

 環日本海経済研究所(Economic Research Institute for Northeast Asia, ERINA)“China’s Economic Rise and Northeast Asian Economic Cooperation:In the Context of China-US Conflict and COVID-19”が2020年12月11日にオンラインで開催され、私はChina’s Industrial Policy in the 2020sと題する報告を行いました。

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Chinese Politics and Foreign Policy under Xi Jinping: The Future of Political Trajectory edited by Arthur Ding and Jagannath Panda

 Chinese Politics and Foreign Policy under Xi Jinping: The Future of Political Trajectory edited by Arthur Ding and Jagannath Panda was published recently from Routledge.

I wrote a chapter in the book which is entitled "The evolution of China’s industrial policy and ‘Made in China 2025’", pp.131-149.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

My comments on China's new Export Control Law in NHK World

China's new export control law came into effect on December 1. It covers products and services judged to be a possible threat to national security or interests. So, what will be the impact of the law on Beijing's trading partners? I made comments on the news in NHK World broadcast on December 1st, 2020.




東京大学情報学環アジア情報社会コースのプログラムのオムニバス授業 "Intellectual Giants" in UTokyo: Critical Evaluation of Their Accomplishments in Contemporary Contextsにて2020年10月8日に授業を行いましたが、その録音の文字起こしが国際総合日本学ネットワークのウェブサイトで公開されました。

Japanese Marxism, the University of Tokyo, and China






